What is a topology of home, that [bodily] frame which delineates what is within, what is without—that frame which circumscribes the infinite within the finite, held in a perpetual state of flux, accumulating, modulating, repeating, permuting, always in an attempt to apprehend that frisson to once again impel stillness into movement—forwards, round and round, at times it is even necessary to circle back and retrace one’s steps—a pirouette, a plié, hovering on the toe’s tipping point—

This site, this stand-in for home—portfolio, digital notebook, archive vivi—like much in the topological realm of dual digits, attempts to embody a taxonomy of flux, remnants of shadows rendered between present and past, what is to come, what has lapsed—for isn’t everything variously containers of time?—a sujet-en-process*—that nonetheless yearns for a frame as we need to frame ourselves, if only within a gilded mirror. This topology, this conceptual mode, that has and continues to anchor my work, I call relational modularity.

This digital labyrinth of pages attempt, by more or less traditional methodologies to categorize my creative perambulations, but in truth—such as it is—I have and will continue to return, retrace, and renew such boundaries—that is one’s perpetual attempt—to retrace borders one remembers one has traversed—but how elusive memory can be, how nimbly does it tread over wandering grounds when left to its own thoughts—lost, fragmented, embraced in chance encounters—which is the border that circumferences sculpture? where lies the boundary that circumscribes cinema? or a poem that traverses into the grounds of essay—essayer, I try, I try—a sonnet that emerges a quartet. Such terms hover in the perpetual tension between <symbol> and fluidity, delineating paths in the oft trodden soil otherwise inextricable to the newfound (or stubborn) traveller—

*A reference to Julia Kristeva’s concept

/ CURRENT: [0-I-RI-R] at the Wende Museum (4/27-9/15)